So I have to write something because my heart is so full! What is it about being a mom that turns you so mushy? But it can't be helped, nor would I want it to.
First milestone to report is that my baby twins turned one. Wow!
We did the whole experiencing cake for the first time thing. (For those wondering, we did NOT let them experience fire via birthday candle, I just can't keep up that tradition!) It was a great portrait of their personalities as (Oh, I just realized I need names for them!) As we put the cake on their high chair trays, Amazing Kid dove in, getting messy and loving each bite. Incrediboy gingerly touched his cake and then decided to have a little taste. But after a few bites, decided he didn't like it and threw it off his highchair.
The one-year-old milestone is a big one for me, one I've been looking forward to for, oh, about one year! Not that I didn't love and adore those early times with the babies, and two is twice as fun, it really is, but.. Well, I heard that it gets easier after one, and there have been a few days that I've really held on to that promise. Has it gotten easier? Yes. Not all at once :) or every day, but in general, it has. Yay! And still really fun.
OK, but I do have to say that to every one who tells me "Once they start playing together, it will be easier than one!" my question is, "Do you have more than one?" Because I wonder if they've noticed that children who can play, can also fight. And in fact, that devolps a lot sooner, Oh, I'd say right about one-year-old. And they can be really mean to each other and make each other cry. Often. Throughout your day. And they don't understand what "soft" means. Or time outs. Or taking toys away, or any other form of discipline. They only understand that pushing and hitting might get them the toy, and why the heck is mom so upset all the time?
OK I've vented :)
Second milestone - hubby turned 31! Yay! I threw a surprise party, because, hey, who expects that at 31? :)
OK, third one has my heart right now. I just sent Superman on the BUS to Kindergarten. YIKES! YAY! YIKES! Talk about mixed emotions! The transition went smoothly. No tears even. (I'm talking about me, obviously :)) Superman was as excited as he could be. He woke up at 6:30 this morning, and when I told him it was too early and to go back to bed, he kept popping back in every 10 minutes just to check. Finally he just camped out by the clock announcing each time a minute had passed until I got out of bed and started helping him find things to do. Finally the magic time of 8:20 came and we sent him on the bus. I did resist the temptation to load everyone in the car and follow, so I'm hoping everything worked out and he got there OK.
He's such a great kid and I think, oh I hope he'll like school and have good experiences and be good and not get corrupted and just... be happy. SUCH a mushy mom is me! Oh, but we love our kids don't we? It never ceases to amaze me just how much love I have for them, and amazes me even more that someone must love ME that much! Both earthly and Heavenly parents. How lucky we are.
2 hours until my boy comes home - I better find something to do and quite staring at the clock! :)
ERIN!!! I am so proud of you for bloging! Good job.
Your kids are so cute and i love the names you have for them. i can't beleive Superman is in kindergarten! That's crazy.
I've been meaning to call you, I feel so bad that I didn't call on the twins first birthday, or send Brent a card, or even call when I got your card in the mail! I've been terrible. But I've been thinking a lot about you so I will call soon, I promise! Love ya
Oh yay! You blogged, and your baby went to school?! I'm getting teary eyed about Emery going to preschool. They grow up so fast. I'm glad you finally posted something fun for me to read! Talk to you soon!
haha, since you have the whole "Twin" thing going on, you can do something like, "SuperTwin Powers ACTIVATE!!!!!!!!!!"
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