Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Season blues

So I figured I probably should blog again, for September is upon us it seems! I find myself grasping for the last straws of summer, not wanting to admit that it's over.

Funny, when I was in school, I loved fall and couldn't wait for back to school. I was, admittedly, a complete and total NERD and I LOVED school. I especially loved a fresh start at school where I wasn't behind on any of my assignments and was starting out the year with straight A's. I can feel those same feelings vicariously through Superman who just started preschool last week. I had to resist every urge in my body to take him school shopping, realizing that for 3-yr-old preschool, he needs absolutely nothing and the cost of preschool is inhibiting needless spending. I still bought a pack of new pencils for myself though :)

This year though, in spite of my excitement over a son in sort-of-school, I am dreading the end of summer. Or, perhaps more correctly, I'm in flat-out denial of it. Maybe it's because I just moved from a place where summer weather lasts until October, so this September stuff is feeling like a jip. More likely, it's just my procrastinator personality. I realize that I never went to the free summer movie, I never made it to pick berries, and I scarcely used my mother's day present BBQ. And I never went to the water park, and my two for one coupon is going to expire, I hate that!

So I'm doing the only thing I can do - embrace denial! I bought a clearance "slip n' slide" and I'm having a fun-in-the-sun party tomorrow, yay! My kids don't know summer is over, why should I tell them! Maybe I'll make it to the waterpark afterwards too, if my kids aren't frozen icicles by then. Isn't that what wet suits are for? :)